Hat coconut palm leaf

Hat coconut palm leaf

Hat coconut palm leaf

Hat coconut palm leaf
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Price: 90 VNĐ
To make a coconut palm cone is very difficult, not everyone can do, only the dexterity to create a beautiful and perfect hat, no standard or size, any pattern. available. For the people of western water, only know how to make a hat how much time. Making hats difficult to prepare materials is more difficult, to make a quality cones are standard, the men in the village must go to find coconut leaves, coconut leaves are not too old nor too young . Coconut leaves are the end of the month or on the moonless occasion, the leaves will not be deep and durable.
When they find the coconut leaves, they embark on a skeleton with a long knit art, the holes are hexagonal. To shape and support the hat, the edges and knit lines are folded to make the cone not burst. When the frame is done, they conduct the roofing, the next is to ring the coronary artery with internal withdrawal to the outer ring. To keep the cone fixed, we need to add a rounded edge, to keep the cone balanced and when the team does not deviate ...

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